Changelog and alerts for page settings changes


It is desired to see the history of changes made to that pages settings and by whom. It is also desired to receive notifications of changes for some core page.

I'm currently experiencing team members, new to the tool are either intentionally or unintentionally changing page settings. As we know, some scan settings can have consequences that render the data useless for accurate comparisons. When I see random changes like test location I have to send a post to the team asking who and why, revert the change, and try to explain why.

I don't want to be a bottleneck. I want to encourage others to have ownership and to be involved as much as possible but I need help keeping an eye on the projects.

I think that adding a changelog and even notification of changes would be helpful for projects with large teams. Especially when the team is dispersed across the world and changes could be made at any time. This feature would help me share the load with confidence and help target training.

I can see the changelog being available on every page with the alerts customizable per page. For me, I would want to setup alerts on the core scans where comparisons are critical but would not want alerts on the sandbox scans where devs are testing random things.


Activity Newest / Oldest



Hi Jacob,

Thanks for your feedback on this!

Have you considered assigning read-only permissions to some team members?

I agree having the changelog would be useful. Alerting on that is not something we're likely to ship.



Yes, I should be more strict on view vs edit permissions for the core projects. Probably should start projects with everyone set to view on the core and then work up to having one or two trusted people with edit permissions. I guess I could make a sandbox project for people to practice editing with low risk.

I'm not the only active admin. In addition to more education I do need to be more aware of users added in addition to settings changes.

The changelog without alerts is fine. Can never go wrong with having a history of changes available.